Wednesday, October 15, 2008



I hope this finds you well. I have enjoyed reading your messages and am so happy I took your class. Thank you! I have a dilemma that I am looking for some incite or suggestions. My fiance and I just got married this last Friday, for many reasons, one most important is because he got a job in Thailand. We currently have a ceremony arranged for us in Mexico next year which we will still embark upon. The point is that it is almost the end of the year. He leaves at the end of this week and I go in about 5 weeks. The company he will be working for is going to be paying our social security for the U.S. But what should I do to file my taxes and then his for 2008? I will have computer and web access to file if need be. Though still I am worried on what my options are. Any words of wisdom??



It is so nice to hear from you. I think this is the first email that I’ve ever received from someone who presumably is on their honeymoon. To be married on Friday and to be contacting an accountant on Monday says a lot for your question.

I believe your question is how to go about filing your 2008 tax return? The tax law is quite clear on this. Since you are married, you will either have to file as married filing jointly or married filing separately. Since you will both be out of the United States on the filing date of April 15, you are given some additional time to file your tax return. There are some special rules regarding people working in foreign countries. It is very possible that your husband may qualify for some tax free income and possibly housing allowance.

I hope this answers your questions. If you have any follow up, please feel free to contact me.

It is a pleasure serving you. Best of luck and congratulations!

Larry Kopsa, CPA