Friday, September 4, 2009


Here’s an exercise you might want to do the next time you are meeting with your staff.

At a recent salon show, I was making my presentation and I started out by asking the attendees who wanted to work at a really bad salon. Of course, no hands came up.

I then went on and said, “OK, let’s make a list of items that you would see at the worst salon in the world.” The list started out and actually went crazy. We got items on the list from bad personal hygiene to believe it or not, not flushing the toilet. After we spent a few minutes having fun coming up with the state of the worst salon ever, we narrowed it down to some of the realistic items like lack of education, cleanliness, clutter, unorganized, etc.

After we came up with that realistic list, I then said, "lets take a look at this list and see which of these toxic items you have in your salon and spa." I think it really opened up the eyes of the owners, managers and the technicians that were present. It only takes a couple of these toxic items to ruin your reputation.

Try this message out some time.

Larry Kopsa CPA