Monday, February 4, 2008


In January I only spent 12 nights sleeping In my own bed. Between trips to Kansas City, Orlando, Pasadena and Wichita I found myself in hotels. While in Pasadena I turned on the tv and the Mel Gibson movie “What Every Woman Wants” was on. As I laid in bed thinking about the day I had working with one of my salon clients, I asked myself… “What does every salon client want?”

Here is what I came up with…

  • They want to be understood – so listen to them.
    Listen, listen, listen. Explain to your clients what you are doing or what you recommend, and then listen to their reaction. Remember the importance of body language. You communicate more with your actions than with what you say… and so do your clients.
  • They want to feel welcome – so welcome them.
    Studies show that the first 90 seconds you spend with someone sets their feelings about you and the meeting. It might be hard to welcome your 8:00 pm client on Thursday, but if you are a true professional that is what you do.
  • They want to feel important – so make them feel important.
    One of the motivational speakers states that when you communicate with someone you should force yourself to think that this is the most important person in your world, and act accordingly. Ego is a strong emotion.
  • They want to feel comfortable - so make them comfortable.
    Comfortable surroundings help to keep people coming back. The type of clientele that you are trying to attract determines what is “comfortable.” To some it is a relaxing place to escape the hustle and bustle of the world, and in other salons it is a fast paced, avant-garde atmosphere. Make sure that you are consistent or you will not meet your client’s expectations. And don’t forget to keep a clean environment and pay attention to detail.
  • They want value for money – so give them value.
    Make sure they know that you are a professional and that you are giving them the best service. Let them know that you continue to educate yourself on new styles and products. Recommend products to make them look and feel better about themselves. Make me look better, and you have a client for life.