Q: My husband and I have decided to start our own
salon. We have heard it said over and
over again "location, location, location."
Do you have any advice for us?
A: First and foremost, read and re-read the lease then let your attorney read the lease so you make sure you understand the terms. I can tell you story after story of owners that were shocked to find out what was in their lease.
- Consider an agent to help you. Make sure that they are experienced in lease negotiations and site selection. Also an agent can help you with city codes and laws.
- If you are going to have to build-out the site, make sure that you have a contractor review the site to make sure that it fits your needs. I had a client move into a wonderful and beautiful site but had fuses blow all the time because the electricity was not adequate.
- You mentioned location, how true. Many times clients do not want to travel long distances so this is where you are can be important. Also I have found that clients are not too comfortable with a salon that is next to a crack house.
- Is parking close and adequate?
- What is the competition like in the area? You want to be in a traffic area but not too close the the competition.
- Check out the demographics. You want to be close to the right income levels and age groups that you are trying to attract.
- Size is important. Many salons start out in too big of a space which makes the rent unaffordable. Most new salons do not start out needing a real large space.
- Retail, retail, retail. Make sure there is room for adequate retail display.
- Consider an existing salon or a space that has been a salon. This can save of build-out. But, if this was an existing salon make sure that you know why the business failed.
Good luck.