Sunday, March 23, 2008


Do Tax Law Changes Drive You Up A Wall?

Are you aware of the latest changes in the constantly shifting tax laws? Do you know how they affect you? As April 15 approaches, do you feel you're paying more than your fair share of income tax? At Kopsa Otte CPA’s, we help clients just like you take advantage of the tax laws to pay the least tax today. And we can give you a plan to pay less tomorrow.

We've been preparing taxes for over 35 years, so we have the experience and knowledge to help you. You may think that taxes are a once-a-year chore. But at Kopsa Otte, we know the "secret" to paying less is a personalized, proactive year-round plan.

Call now to find out how to receive an analysis. We'll do more than just prepare your return. We'll find the mistakes and missed opportunities that may be costing you thousands, then give you a plan for eliminating them forever!

Kopsa Otte