Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ken Cassidy passes away at age 69.

I found out a few hours ago that my good friend Ken Cassidy passed away. Ken had been struggling with some lung issues for the few years. I saw him last in June 18 at the Energizing Summit. He told me he had to use a respirator from time to time but he never let on that it was serious. I will get into his importance to the industry in a bit but before I do that I have to tell you a little bit more about the man.

I will never forget the first time I met Ken. In November 2001, right after the 9/11 tragedy I was speaking at the first Suzie Fields, Your Beauty Network Symposium in San Diego. My program ended right before lunch. They served a box lunch for everyone. By the time I got off the stage and finished answering questions the lunch was over. As I walked over to a booth that they had set up for me over wakes a guy I didn't know and said, "I figured you were going to miss lunch so I saved half my lunch for you."

That was the type of guy Ken was. Over the years he was always trying to advance the industry. He was the guru on booth rental and if clients were trying to get their business cleaned up I would send them to Ken. He had all the contracts and agreements to help.

Several times Ken and I would be speaking at the same conference so I got to know him quite well. He was always introduced me to people in the industry. He had quite a network.

After the Energizing Summit in Los Angeles, we had dinner together. We talked about his son and his investment property but mostly we talked about the salon business. He had such passion about the industry and so much passion about life and helping others. I will miss him, but I can tell you this, I will never forget that guy with the long hair making sure that I had lunch and the impression it had on me. He made a difference because over the last 10 years I have looked for opportunities to help just like Ken.